Light Year Press is EMoon’s imprint for select general market legacy books, memoirs, and fiction/ non-fiction titles for Young Adult (YA), New Adult (NA),
and Adult.
Where Electric Moon Publishing (EMoon) focuses on Christian YA, NA, and Adult titles, Light Year Press provides the same services for selected G/PG-rated general market titles.
What is “PG-rated?” Good question. We often ask it ourselves and admit the answer is subjective and as sticky as a two-year old eating a lolly-pop. Similar to the Motion Picture Association of America, our goal is to avoid inappropriate violence, offensive language, substance abuse, nudity, or sexual content.
We do recognize the precariousness of this goal; how any of the aforementioned may be a necessary part in telling a deeper story. For instance, how would we ever have the story of The Emperor’s New Clothes without a nude emperor? Or would we truly understand the meaning of To Kill a Mockingbird without violence and racism? That’s why our vetting team looks at any and all instances in context for acceptability, class, character, integrity, and the overall spirit and intent of the writing/writer. Therefore, each submitted written project will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
An author who is a good fit for our Light Year Press imprint . . .
understands and applies the art of writing well
is prepared to own his/her intellectual property rights
has formed a solid marketing plan to launch his/her book and maintain sales overtime
is familiar with his/her target audience
has available finances to pay for production costs
possesses a written work that qualifies* as a G/PG-rated memoir, legacy book, or general market YA, NA, or Adult title.
*Light Year Press/EMoon Publishing will determine through a review process if a manuscript qualifies. Manuscripts are chosen on a selective basis.
For more details please contact an associate today to discuss your book project.